Week 17 county road minutes

Presque Isle County

Road Commission

Condensed Minutes

April 6, 2015

The regular meeting of the Board of Road Commissioners for Presque Isle County was held at the Road Commission office at 657 South Bradley, Rogers City, Michigan. Chairman Ronald Bischer called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Board Members Present: Ronald Bischer, Thomas Catalano, Charles Rhode.

Also Present: Supt/Mgr. Smigelski, Clerk Wirgau, County Road Engineer Straley.

Visitors: None.


A motion was approved to accept minutes from March 16, 2015 meeting as presented.

Ayes: All.

Accounts Payable:

Motion by Rhode (Catalano) to approve the accounts payable in the amount of $192,337.18.

Ayes: Bischer, Rhode, Catalano.

9:00 a.m. Bid Opening:

A motion was approved accepting all bids for Truck Equipment.

Unfinished Business:

County Road Engineer Mark Straley updated the Board on the status of the 489 Bridge reconstruction project tentatively scheduled to begin after the Fourth of July.

New Business:

Motions were approved authorizing signature of the 2014 Certified Mileage Map by the Chairman and signature of the 489 Bridge Title Sheet.

A possible funding shortage from the Federal State aid program was discussed. A motion was approved to request advance construction funding for the E. 634 Highway project if necessary. A motion was approved to postpone the 451 Highway project if full funding is not available.

A motion was approved to advertise for seasonal items including emulsion, cold patch, brine and pavement marking.

Clerk Wirgau presented 1st Quarter Financial Reports for review.

A motion was approved amending a line item on the 2015 Expenditure Budget.

Supt./Mgr Report:

Both MCRCSIP and CRASIF are seeking candidates for their Boards if any Commissioner is interested.

• Year to date final snowfall is: 87 inches

• Supt./Mgr and Foremen attended OMS sponsored “Reasonable Suspicion Training” regarding drug and alcohol and DOT requirements.

• Employee Dan Wenzel announced his retirement at the end of the month with 30 years of service.

• DEQ permits have been received for the 489 Bridge and culvert replacement on Roost Road.

• There will be

a MTA meeting at Metz Township Hall April 7, 2015 at 7 p.m.

• The Toth lawsuit regarding federal funding misuse has been dismissed.

• Supt./Mgr will be attending PASER training on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.

• House Representative Peter Pettalia stopped in to discuss the May ballot proposal and other road related issues.

The next meeting dates for the Board of Road Commissioners will be Monday, April 20, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. and Monday, May 4, 2015 at 8:30 a.m.

There being no further business it was moved by Catalano (Rhode) to adjourn the meeting at 10:27 a.m.

Ayes: All.

The complete minutes of the meeting of the Board of Presque Isle County Road Commissioners are available for viewing and may be seen at the Road Commission office at 657 South Bradley Highway, Rogers City, Michigan  49779.